Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Week of School!

Hallie and I both had our first week of school this week. Hallie is back at God's Little Creations preschool and she absolutely loves it!!! (and so do I) Every day this week she came home singing a new song, "Our God is an awesome God, he is!". She also had lots to tell me about what they did all day. She was very excited about their "special snack" on Friday - stoplight crackers. They were going to put cream cheese on crackers and then M&Ms for the lights! She also learned how to cut, "thumbs up to Jesus!" I'm so glad she's at a Christian school with teachers that truly care about her learning. I expect her to come a long way this year!

Hallie also started dance back up and they moved her up to the next level class. I had assumed that she would do 2 years in the lower group (as most kids do), but it turns out that one of her friend's mother is teaching this class so I think she got a little preferential treatment. It's definitely a good move for her since she is much taller than most of the other kids. I also think the older kids will be more motivational for her.

On a more unfortunate note, Hallie also had her first dentist appointment this week, and she has not one, but two cavities!!!! I am so upset since I thought I was doing a good job taking care of her teeth. So it looks like we are going to have to be a lot more careful - brushing twice a day, flossing, and doing an anti cavity rinse. I was so impressed with this dentist until I got the bad news. The hygienist was so sweet to her explaining what each tool was and what she was going to do with them. She was actually having fun until she had to get the X-rays.

Aiden has had a good week too, although he's suffering from minor separation anxiety with me back at work. He's been sleeping alone in his crib for almost 2 weeks now. Most nights he will only cry for a few minutes before he falls asleep for the night. If he wakes up in the middle of the night I fight the urge to get him and let himself cry back to sleep. It's been nice having my bed back! He's been taking the bottle pretty well too so I think we'll start weaning him this week.

That's it for now, I'll put a few pictures up from this week tomorrow!

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