Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall is Upon Us . . .

I always find tons of things to do once the holidays start approaching. The first is always Halloween. We always start off the fall season by visiting our favorite pumpkin patch and taking tons of pictures. This year was no exception. We also picked pumpkins for each member of our family which we will probably carve later this week. This past weekend I took the kids to a special Halloween story time at Barnes and Noble. They got to dress up in their costumes, listen to a story, make a craft, and trick-or-treat around the store. Hallie dressed as Strawberry Shortcake and looked absolutely adorable! Aiden is going to be an elephant again (since the costume actually fits him this year). He's now officially walking and was incredibly cute running around all the kids in his elephant costume!!!

Brian surprised Hallie's teacher and bought little pumpkins for each kid in her class. Today they were able to paint them. However, instead of making faces on the pumpkins, the kids decided to mix all the paints together and just paint their pumpkins green. Very interesting. At least they had fun doing it!

Hallie's preschool had their annual fall festival this past weekend, Glory Night. The preschoolers get a chance to go up on stage and sing all the songs they've been practicing all year long. When Hallie was 2, she was too shy to actually sing at Glory Night. This year, Hallie not only sang, but did all the hand motions - and some of her own! I'll be uploading the video here shortly. She had a blast after her show running in and out of the bounce houses with her favorite school friends.

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